Tổng hợp Hostility Là Gì – Nghĩa Của Từ Hostility là ý tưởng trong bài viết hôm nay của blog Hùng Bá Tam Quốc. Đọc bài viết để biết đầy đủ nhé.
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hostility /hɔs”tiliti/ danh từ sự thù địch; thái độ thù địch; hành vi thù địch tình trạng chiến tranh (số nhiều) hành động chiến tranh; chiến sựto open hostilities: khai chiếnduring the hostilities trong lúc có chiến sự sự chống đối (về tư tưởng…)
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Từ điển Collocation
hostility noun
1 opposition/aggressive feelings or behaviour
ADJ. bitter, considerable, deep, extreme, great, implacable | downright, open, outright Mixed-race couples faced open hostility. | veiled There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone. | general, widespread | popular, public the widespread popular hostility towards the war | personal | continuing, growing | mutual
VERB + HOSTILITY feel the deep hostility felt by many teenagers against the police | express, show | arouse, attract, provoke The prime minister was concerned that such a move would arouse public hostility. | be greeted with, be met with, encounter, face, meet with The proposal was met with outright hostility.
PREP. ~ between You could almost feel the hostility between her and her mother. | ~ against/to/towards the bitter hostility towards the occupying forces
2 hostilities: fighting in a war
VERB + HOSTILITY cease, end, suspend Both sides finally agreed to suspend hostilities. | resume Hostilities were resumed later that year.
HOSTILITY + VERB begin, break out | cease, end On the 11th of November 1918 hostilities ceased. | resume
PREP. ~ against the beginning of hostilities against Germany in 1914 | ~ between Hostilities broke out between the two provinces later that year.
Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp