Chia sẻ Irreversible Là Gì – Irreversible Có Nghĩa Là Gì là conpect trong content hôm nay của blog Hùng Bá Tam Quốc. Theo dõi nội dung để biết chi tiết nhé.
Bạn đang xem: Irreversible là gì
Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back; incapable of being made to run backward; as, an irreversible engine.
They feel that mismanagement of technology <…> They feel that mismanagement of technology and the human impact on the enthienmaonline.vnronment may irreversibly change life on earth or even end cithienmaonline.vnlization.
Decisions and choices on infrastructure, and livelihood investments made now could have irreversible long term impacts.
hàng ngày tôi sống với nỗi đau và tội lỗi mà không bao giờ quên được
Hãy nhớ ta lúc còn sống, linh hồn ta chưa bao giờ ra khỏi tòa nhà trụ sở cả, chưa bao giờ ra khỏi cái lỗ hẹp đổi tiền của chúng ta cả ted2019 ted2019
Spain was irreversibly weakened after the loss of their New World colonies, but the Kingdom of Great Britain (uniting Scotland with England and Wales), France, Portugal, and the Dutch turned their attention to the Old World, particularly South Africa, India and South East Asia, where coastal enclaves had already been established. <…> Britain (uniting Scotland with England and Wales), France, Portugal, and the Dutch turned their attention to the Old World, particularly South Africa, India and South East Asia, where coastal enclaves had already been established.
Revolution was not due to a single event <…> Revolution was not due to a single event but to a series of events, that together irreversibly changed the organization of political power, the nature of society, and the exercise of indithienmaonline.vndual freedoms. <…> of society, and the exercise of indithienmaonline.vndual freedoms.
Some comatose patients can recover to pre-coma or near pre-coma <…> Some comatose patients can recover to pre-coma or near pre-coma level of functioning, and some patients with severe irreversible neurological dysfunction will nonetheless retain some lower brain functions, such as spontaneous respiration, despite the losses of both cortex and brain stem functionality. <…> functions, such as spontaneous respiration, despite the losses of both cortex and brain stem functionality.
Should the work be added in such a way that friction or thienmaonline.vnscous forces are operating within the system, then the process is not isentropic, and if there is no phase change, then the temperature of the system will <…> Should the work be added in such a way that friction or thienmaonline.vnscous forces are operating within the system, then the process is not isentropic, and if there is no phase change, then the temperature of the system will rise, the process is said to be ” irreversible “, and the work added to the system is not entirely recoverable in the form of work. <…> not entirely recoverable in the form of work.
Sulfide is highly basic, consequently K2S completely and irreversibly hydrolyzes in water according to the following equation: K2S + H2O → KOH + KSH For many purposes, this reaction is inconsequential since the mixture of SH− and OH− behaves as a source of S2−.
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“Many persons fear that awareness of enthienmaonline.vnronmental <…> “Many persons fear that awareness of enthienmaonline.vnronmental degradation has come too late because much of the damage already done to ecosystems is irreversible .
She knew that opening the box was irreversible – but alongside the strife, she’d set hope forth to temper its effects. <…> to temper its effects.
In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians reported in 1995, abandoning the 1979 claim that the tests published in 1976 sufficed for the diagnosis of brain death <…> In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians reported in 1995, abandoning the 1979 claim that the tests published in 1976 sufficed for the diagnosis of brain death and suggesting a new definition of death based on the irreversible loss of brain stem function alone.
The β-form is irreversibly converted to the α-form at 450–600 °C. The β-form is diamagnetic, whereas α-RuCl3 is paramagnetic at room temperature. <…> is paramagnetic at room temperature.
Xem thêm: Anh Em Mình Là Cái Gì Nào
Given the stakes, the climate crisis clearly calls for us to act based on the precautionary principle — the theory that holds that when human health and the enthienmaonline.vnronment are significantly <…> Given the stakes, the climate crisis clearly calls for us to act based on the precautionary principle — the theory that holds that when human health and the enthienmaonline.vnronment are significantly at risk and when the potential damage is irreversible , we cannot afford to wait for perfect scientific certainty.
Ngày mai Herot như thế nào… thì chính là do những gì người làm lúc này ted2019 ted2019
On 16 August 2017, Las Palmas announced that Boateng had cancelled his contract by the club by mutual consent, citing ” irreversible personal reasons” for the decision.
Lord (Geoffrey) Howe of Aberavon was also in attendance and said of Thatcher: “Her real triumph was to have transformed not just one party but two, <…> Lord (Geoffrey) Howe of Aberavon was also in attendance and said of Thatcher: “Her real triumph was to have transformed not just one party but two, so that when Labour did eventually return, the great bulk of Thatcherism was accepted as irreversible .”
World War I forced irreversible changes on human society and thrust mankind into the last days of this system of things. <…> this system of things.
Anh có phải người của gia đình với học thuyết âm mưu về Những Người Sáng Lập? jw2019 jw2019
However, delays in recognition and diagnosis of celiac disease can cause irreversible heart damage.
(1 Corinthians 15:21, 22) Because the Bible does not say that “the lake of fire” <…> (1 Corinthians 15:21, 22) Because the Bible does not say that “the lake of fire” would release those in it, “the second death” must mean another kind of death, an irreversible one.
Nếu tôi không quay lại những công nhân này kiếm đâu ra tiền để sinh sống? jw2019 jw2019
If used <…> If used for longer periods it may cause nerve damage, including optic nerve damage, which may be irreversible .
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Tác giả
FVDP-English-thienmaonline.vnetnamese-Dictionary, Common U++ UNL Dictionary, OpenSubtitles2018.v3,, jw2019, ted2019, thienmaonline.vnMT_RnD, WikiMatrix.
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