Nhận xét beard là gì là ý tưởng trong nội dung hiện tại của Hùng Bá Tam Quốc. Đọc content để biết chi tiết nhé.
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Bạn đang xem: Beard là gì
Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.
hair that grows on the lower part of a man’s face, sometimes including the hair that grows above the lips
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The word “disguise” can mean many things: for example, do beards and facial hair constitute a form of disguise?
Young people have forced the pace themselves much to the shaking of grey heads and long beards, and often with open disapproval.
I am very glad that there will be a reasonable measure of representation of the existing management committees on the new beards of management.
The photograph would make visual identification in the polling station of the elector relatively easy, beards aside.
They went through a difficult time in which they were greatly criticised as being “arty-crafty”, bearded and shaggy.
Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với beard.
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He at first used a fake beard, but a real beard replaced this and would remain as his trademark along with his bowler hat.
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