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medicine /”medsin/ danh từ y học, y khoa thuốcto take medicine: uống thuốc khoa nội bùa ngải, phép ma, yêu thuật (ở những vùng còn lạc hậu)to give someone a dose (taste) of his own medicine lấy gậy ông đập lưng ôngto take one”s medicine ngậm đắng nuốt cay; chịu đựng sự trừng phạt chữa bệnh bằng thuốc uống
y họcaero space medicine: y học không gian vũ trụclinical medicine: y học lâm sàngenvironmental medicine: y học môi trườnggeriatric medicine: y học tuổi giàmental medicine: y học tâm thầnmolecular medicine: y học phân tửphysical medicine: y học cơ thểremote medicine: y học từ xasocial medicine: y học xã hộitropical medicine: y học nhiệt đớicommunity mediciney tế cộng đồngdomestic medicinetự chữa bệnh tại nhàforensic medicinepháp yfringe medicinengành phụ của y khoainternal medicinenội khoaveterinary medicinethú y
Word families (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs): medical, medication, medicine, medical, medicated, medicinal, medically, medicinally

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Từ điển Collocation
medicine noun
1 science of treating/preventing illness
ADJ. modern advances in modern medicine | traditional qualified in traditional Chinese medicine | folk Garlic was widely used in folk medicine. | conventional, orthodox | alternative, complementary, holistic, homeopathic | preventative, preventive | academic, clinical, forensic, scientific | general She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine. | geriatric, obstetric, paediatric, veterinary, etc. | Chinese, Western | private, public health She believed private medicine was a threat to the existence of the National Health Service.
VERB + MEDICINE train in | qualify in | practise people practising alternative medicine
PHRASES a branch of medicine More information about SUBJECT
SUBJECT: of study do, read, study ~ do ~ is more commonly used with school subjects (but may also be used with university subjects): She did maths, physics and chemistry at school.
study ~ is used with both school and university subjects: He studied German at school. She went on to study mathematics at university.
read ~is only used with university subjects and is quite formal: She was educated privately and at Pembroke College, where she read classics.
lecture in, teach ~ He taught music at a school in Edinburgh.
Other verbs used with subject can also be used with particular subjects of study: Half the students take geography at A level. We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.
~ degree, a degree/diploma in ~ a law degree a higher diploma in fine art
~ class, course, lecture, lesson The genetics lectures are on a different campus.
~ department, a/the department of ~ All enquiries should be made to the Department of Architecture.
~ graduate, student, undergraduate Some architecture graduates gain further qualifications in specialist fields.
~ lecturer, teacher, tutor He”s an English teacher at Highland Road School.
~ professor, (a) professor of ~ She”s professor of linguistics at the University of Wales.
the study of ~ The study of philosophy helps you to think critically.
in ~ He got As in history and art.
(for more verbs and nouns)
2 substance taken to treat an illness
ADJ. powerful, strong | cough a bottle of cough medicine | herbal | prescription
QUANT. dose
VERB + MEDICINE take | swallow | prescribe (sb) | administer, give sb | treat sb with
MEDICINE + NOUN bottle, chest
PREP. ~ for medicine for a chest infection
Từ điển WordNet
Xem thêm: Memo Là Gì – Cách Viết Memo Theo Cấu Trúc Cơ Bản
English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
medicinessyn.: medical specialty medicament medicate medication medicinal drug music practice of medicine
Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp