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soul /soul/ danh từ linh hồn tâm hồn, tâm tríto throw oneself body and soul into something: để hết tâm trí vào việc gìhe cannot call his soul his own: nó bị người khác khống chế linh hồn, cột trụPresident Ho is the
Lĩnh vực: xây dựngtâm hồnbody and soul: thể xác và tâm hồn

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Từ điển Collocation
soul noun
1 part of sb believed to exist after body is dead
ADJ. immortal | damned | human, individual
VERB + SOUL save Missionaries saw it as their task to save souls. | sell to sell your soul to the Devil
PHRASES the souls of the dead
2 part of sb/sth that shows its true nature
ADJ. very The plea touched him to his very soul. | whole | inner
VERB + SOUL lose In the process of being made into a film, the story seemed to have lost its soul. | bare He bared his soul to her. | search I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.
SOUL + NOUN mate
PREP. in your ~ Deep in her soul she knew she had to return to her country.
PHRASES body and soul She gave herself to him body and soul. | heart and soul He gave himself heart and soul to the cause.
3 deep feeling and thought
VERB + SOUL have | lack
PREP. with ~ She sang the song with passion and soul.
4 person
ADJ. little poor little soul | old | good | bad | lost, poor, unfortunate | simple | dear, gentle, kind, kindly a kind old soul | sensitive | brave | romantic | tormented, tortured, troubled | living There was no other living soul to be seen.
PHRASES a soul in torment The dog was howling like a soul in torment. | not be a soul in sight By midnight, there wasn”t a soul in sight.
Từ điển WordNet
the human embodiment of something
the soul of honor
a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s
soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement
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